Vicar's Letters

Dearly beloved in Christ,

There is betrayal of trust and faithfulness everywhere. Money, power and fame make people crazy. The social, cultural, and financial stabilityof people are going downhill.  Our economy is in a bad condition. Unemployment is increasing. On the other side religion fails to give hope to the people in the midst of all these insecurities. People are becoming more religious but not spiritual. On this context what is the role of the Church? I believe Church has to share three things to this world.


Dearly beloved in Christ,

Most of our members are probably still on a high from the retreat. It was an awesome retreat by the grace of God.  We had a wonderful time at Sandy Cove, a perfect place for this year’s theme, “Rest, Reflect, and Renewal - Rekindle the Fire Within”.  We chose a very relevant and meaningful theme for the retreat – Rekindle means to light the fire within, to relight (a fire), to revive or renew, regaining a new face.  Only with the help of the Holy Spirit can we be rekindled.  However, this process must start with a decision on our part and the choice is ours to make.  Fire symbolizes sanctification. Isaiah 6:5 says “I am a man of unclean lips”.  Then the Seraphim flew to him with a live coal, taken from the altar, touched him and he was cleansed.  Rekindle yourself with the fire from the altar, Jesus, who is the best example of a rekindled personality. His 40 days of fasting was a rekindling experience for him.  We should become like Christ.  Lead your life and mission on this earth as Christ did.

Jesus said “You are the Light of the World”. Every believer and member of the Mar Thoma Church should take up the responsibility to lighten others and hence our motto – Lighted to Lighten.

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