Youth Chaplain's

To the Families of the Mar Thoma Church of New Jersey, Randolph,


          Greetings. We have now reached the final quarter of the year. Time after time, we make resolutions and commitments (for example, New Year’s resolutions, or commitments we make to the Lord, and to others in our life). Do we maintain the integrity of that commitment? (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5).

To the Families of the Mar Thoma Church of New Jersey, Randolph,


Almighty God has enabled us to cross the half way point of the year 2016. As we move forward, let us look into our spiritual life and how much we have labored for the Kingdom of God. As Christians, we have a great responsibility not only to grow spiritually, but to work out our salvation through our daily life (Philippians 2:12). This involves a creative and positive response to the gospel, through active (not passive) engagement with Christian faith.  

My dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ of the Mar Thoma Church of New Jersey, Randolph,


We have now entered the second quarter of the year 2016. We completed yet another lent season in our life. As Christians, we are continuously being challenged in our faith, in the backdrop of the rise of secularism and its values, particularly here in the west. 

Dear Families of the Mar Thoma Church of New Jersey, Randolph,


          Welcome to 2016! Let us praise God for every experience, blessing, and challenge we had in the previous year. I ask you to evaluate this past year; look at the places you’ve done well, and also areas of your life which require improvement. Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8, NRSV). God is our creator; we are the creation. We are part of the created order, yet we are imperfect due to sin, and we fall short of the glory of God. Let us understand that we are always in a process of changing and transformation. Let us do the same for our spiritual life and our relationship with the Lord, and let us commit our lives into the Lord’s keeping as we enter this new year.

Jesus said “You are the Light of the World”. Every believer and member of the Mar Thoma Church should take up the responsibility to lighten others and hence our motto – Lighted to Lighten.

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