Dearly beloved in Christ,
There is betrayal of trust and faithfulness everywhere. Money, power and fame make people crazy. The social, cultural, and financial stabilityof people are going downhill. Our economy is in a bad condition. Unemployment is increasing. On the other side religion fails to give hope to the people in the midst of all these insecurities. People are becoming more religious but not spiritual. On this context what is the role of the Church? I believe Church has to share three things to this world.
A Word Of Compassion – In spite of their indifference toward God, He still loves this world. What a blessing! Jesus doesn’t just write people off when they don’t do as He pleases. However, He calls them and continue to love them even when they reject Him and His love. As people of God we should have this compassion towards the world. Church should be compassionate to others.
A Word Of Caution – Correct the world with the power of the Word of God. The Church should be the corrective force in this society. Church should have the prophetic voice. Stands for justice and righteousness. Lead a disciplined life in this world.
A Word Of Counsel – Lead this world to a genuine repentance. Remember, repentance can be defined as “a change of mind that results in a change of direction”. Lead this world in a proper direction.
By God’s grace we are coming to the last quarter of this year. Our country has faced dangerous calamities like Irene, which has drastically affected our area also. By God’s grace we all are safe in the hands of God. Let us thank God for His protection. Our church has been blessed by three new Episcopas, Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Maccarios, Rt. Rev. Gregoriose Mar Stephanos, and Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Mar Thithos. Let us uphold them in our prayers.
This year’s Parish convention will be held from Oct. 21st through 23rd. Prof. David Abraham will be the convention speaker. Kindly remember our convention in your prayers. Let it be a reforming and renewal experience for the Parish. In the second week of November 11th -13th, our Diocesan Episcopa Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius will visit us. We will have our First Communion service. Those who would like to take first communion service kindly inform me before the 10th of October. December is the Christmas season. Let’s celebrate this year’s Christmas in a different way. Christmas is the commemoration of God’s love to this world and desire to redeem His people. Make this Christmas more practical and meaningful. Love others and try to redeem someone from their struggles. May God bless you all.
Yours in Christ,
Jose Achen and Family.